Sunday, December 30, 2012

楂樺涓殑鐢蜂汉 The Man in the High Castle_193

observed as he paid the driver. Both business and private. Carrying the briefcase he quickly entered.
There, at the cash register, Mr. Childan. Polishing with cloth some artifact.
"Mr. Tagomi," Childan said, with a bow.
"Mr. Childan." He, too, bowed.
"What a surprise. I am overcome." Childan put down the object and cloth. Around the corner of the counter he came. Usual ritual, the greeting, et cetera. Yet, Mr. Tagomi felt the man today somehow different. Rather -- muted. An improvement, he decided. Always a trifle loud, shrill. Skipping about with agitation. But this might well be a bad omen.
"Mr. Childan," Mr. Tagomi said, placing his briefcase on the counter and unzipping it, "I wish to trade in an item bought several years ago. You do that, I recollect."
"Yes," Mr. Childan said. "Depending on condition, for instance." He watched alertly.
"Colt .44 revolver,Homepage," Mr. Tagomi said.
They were both silent, regarding the gun as it lay in its open teakwood box with its carton of partly consumed ammunition.
Shade colder by Mr. Childan. Ah, Mr. Tagomi realized. Well, so be it. "You are not interested," Mr. Tagomi said.
"No sir," Mr. Childan said in a stiff voice,
"I will not press it." He did not feel any strength. I yield. Yin, the adaptive, receptive, holds sway in me, I fear.
"Forgive me, Mr. Tagomi."
Mr,jordans for sale. Tagomi bowed, replaced the gun, ammunition, box, in his briefcase. Destiny. I must keep this thing,chanel.
"You seem quite disappointed," Mr. Childan said.
"You notice." He was perturbed; had he let his inner world out for all to view? He shrugged. Certainly it was so.
"Was there a special reason why you wanted to trade that item in?" Mr. Childan said.
"No," he said, once more concealing his personal world -- as should be.
Mr. Childan hesitated, then said, "I -- wonder if that did emanate from my store. I do not carry that item."
"I am sure," Mr. Tagomi said. "But it does not matter. I accept your decision; I am not offended."
"Sir," Childan said, "allow me to show you what has come in

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