Wednesday, December 5, 2012

  I've got a pair now that were mamma's

  "I've got a pair now that were mamma's, and a beautiful little pairof pearl and turquoise ones, that I am dying to wear," sighed Rose.
  "Then do it. I'll pierce your ears, and you must wear a bit of silk inthem till they are well; your curls will hide them nicely; then,some day,nike foamposites, slip in your smallest ear-rings, and see if your uncledon't like them.""I asked him if it wouldn't do my eyes good once when they werered, and he only laughed. People do cure weak eyes that way, don'tthey?""Yes, indeed, and yours are sort of red. Let me see. Yes, I reallythink you ought to do it before they get worse," said Ariadne,peering into the large clear eye offered for inspection.
  "Does it hurt much?" asked Rose, wavering.
  "Oh dear, no; just a prick and a pull, and it's all over. I've done lotsof ears, and know just how. Come, push up your hair and get a bigneedle.""I don't quite like to do it without asking uncle's leave," falteredRose, when all was ready for the operation.
  "Did he ever forbid it?" demanded Ariadne, hovering over her preylike a vampire.
  "No, never!""Then do it, unless you are afraid," cried Miss Blish, bent onaccomplishing the deed.
  That last word settled the matter, and, closing her eyes, Rose said"Punch!" in the tone of one giving the fatal order "Fire,link!"Ariadne punched, and the victim bore it in heroic silence, thoughshe turned pale and her eyes were full of tears of anguish.
  "There! Now pull the bits of silk often, and cold-cream your earsevery night, and you'll soon be ready for the rings," said Ariadne,well pleased with her job, for the girl who spoke French with "afine accent" lay flat upon the sofa, looking as exhausted as if shehad had both ears cut off.
  "It does hurt dreadfully, and I know uncle won't like it," sighedRose, as remorse began to gnaw. "Promise not to tell, or I shall beteased to death," she added, anxiously, entirely forgetting the twolittle pitchers gifted with eyes as well as ears, who had beenwatching the whole performance from afar.
  "Never. Mercy me, what's that?" and Ariadne started as a suddensound of steps and voices came up from below.
  "It's the boys! Hide the needle. Do my ears show? Don't breathe aword!" whispered Rose, scrambling about to conceal all traces oftheir iniquity from the sharp eyes of the Clan.
  Up they came,Moncler outlet online store, all in good order, laden with the proceeds of anutting expedition, for they always reported to Rose and paidtribute to their queen in the handsomest manner.
  "How many, and how big! We'll have a grand roasting frolic aftertea, won't we?" said Rose, plunging both hands into a bag of glossybrown nuts, while the Clan "stood at ease" and nodded to Ariadne.
  "That lot was picked especially for you, Rosy. I got every onemyself, and they are extra whackers," said Mac, presenting abushel or so.
  "You should have seen Giglamps when he was after them. Hepitched out of the tree, and would have broken his blessed oldneck if Arch had not caught him," observed Steve, as he loungedgracefully in the window seat,nike shox torch 2.
  "You needn't talk, Dandy, when you didn't know a chestnut from abeech, and kept on thrashing till I told you of it," retorted Mac,festooning himself over the back of the sofa, being a privilegedboy.

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