Thursday, November 22, 2012

Olga persisted

Olga persisted. "But he's the one who has come closest to destroying the family."
"Fuck you, Olga," Kit said.
"Easy," Stanley said firmly. "We can have a passionate discussion without descending to insults and obscenity."
"Come on, Daddy," Olga said. She was furious, because she had been called mercenary, and she needed to counterattack. "What could be more threatening to the family than one of us who steals from another?"
Kit was red with shame and fury. "I'll tell you," he said.
Miranda knew what was coming. Terrified, she stretched out her arm toward Kit with her hand upright in a Halt sign. "Kit, calm down, please," she said frantically.
He was not listening. "I'll tell you what could be more threatening to the family."
Miranda shouted at him: "Just shut up!"
Stanley realized there was a subtext of which he was ignorant, and he frowned with puzzlement. "What are you two talking about?"
Kit said, "I'm talking about someone—"
Miranda stood up. "No!" —someone who sleeps—"
Miranda snatched up a glass of water and threw it in Kit's face.
There was a sudden hush.
Kit wiped his face with his napkin. With everyone watching him in shocked silence, he said, "... sleeps with her sister's husband."
Olga was bewildered. "This makes no sense. I never slept with Jasper—or Ned."
Miranda held her head in her h?nds.
"I didn't mean you," Kit said.
Olga looked at Miranda. Miranda looked away.
Lori, still standing there with the coffeepot, gave a gasp of sudden, shocked comprehension.
Stanley said, "Good God! I never imagined that."
Miranda looked at Ned. He was horrified. He said, "Did you?"
She did not reply.
Olga turned to Hugo. "You and my sister?"
He tried his bad-boy grin. Olga swung her arm and slapped his face. The blow had a solid sound, more like a punch. "Ow!" he cried, and rocked back in his chair.
Olga said, "You lousy, lying . . ." She searched for words. "You worm. You pig. You bloody bastard, you rotten sod." She turned to Miranda. "And you!"
Miranda could not meet her eye. She looked down at the table. A small cup of coffee was in front of her. The cup was fine white china with a blue stripe, Mamma's favorite set.
"How could you?" Olga said to her. "How could you?"
Miranda would try to explain, one day; but anything she said now would sound like an excuse. So she just shook her head.
Olga stood up and walked out of the room.
Hugo looked sheepish. "I'd better . . ." He followed her.
Stanley suddenly realized that Lori was standing there listening to every word. Belatedly, he said, "Lori, you'd better help Luke in the kitchen."
She started as if awakened. "Yes, Professor Oxenford."
Stanley looked at Kit. "That was brutal." Anger made his voice shake.
"Oh, that's right, blame me," Kit said petulantly. "I didn't sleep with Hugo, did I?" He threw down his napkin and left.
Ned was mortified. "Um, excuse me," he said, and he went out.
Only Miranda and her father were left in the room. Stanley got up and came to her side. He put his h?nd on her shoulder. "They'll all calm down about it, eventually," he said. "This is bad, but it will pass."

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