Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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“Well,” she said mirthfully, “my aunt is a hundred and fifty.”
“Mercy on us!” I exclaimed; “why didn’t you tell me before? I should like so to ask her about him.”
“She wouldn’t care for that — she wouldn’t tell you,” Miss Tita replied.
“I don’t care what she cares for! She MUST tell me — it’s not a chance to be lost.”
“Oh, you should have come twenty years ago: then she still talked about him.”
“And what did she say?” I asked eagerly.
“I don’t know — that he liked her immensely.”
“And she — didn’t she like him?”
“She said he was a god.” Miss Tita gave me this information flatly, without expression; her tone might have made it a piece of trivial gossip. But it stirred me deeply as she dropped the words into the summer night; it seemed such a direct testimony.
“Fancy, fancy!” I murmured. And then, “Tell me this, please — has she got a portrait of him? They are distressingly rare.”
“A portrait? I don’t know,” said Miss Tita; and now there was discomfiture in her face. “Well, good night!” she added; and she turned into the house.
I accompanied her into the wide, dusky, stone-paved passage which on the ground floor corresponded with our grand sala. It opened at one end into the garden, at the other upon the canal, and was lighted now only by the small lamp that was always left for me to take up as I went to bed. An extinguished candle which Miss Tita apparently had brought down with her stood on the same table with it. “Good night, good night!” I replied, keeping beside her as she went to get her light. “Surely you would know, shouldn’t you, if she had one?”
“If she had what?” the poor lady asked, looking at me queerly over the flame of her candle.
“A portrait of the god. I don’t know what I wouldn’t give to see it.”
“I don’t know what she has got. She keeps her things locked up.” And Miss Tita went away, toward the staircase, with the sense evidently that she had said too much.
I let her go — I wished not to frighten her — and I contented myself with remarking that Miss Bordereau would not have locked up such a glorious possession as that — a thing a person would be proud of and hang up in a prominent place on the parlor wall. Therefore of course she had not any portrait. Miss Tita made no direct answer to this and, candle in hand, with her back to me, ascended two or three stairs. Then she stopped short and turned round, looking at me across the dusky space.
“Do you write — do you write?” There was a shake in her voice — she could scarcely bring out what she wanted to ask.
“Do I write? Oh, don’t speak of my writing on the same day with Aspern’s!”
“Do you write about HIM— do you pry into his life?”
“Ah, that’s your aunt’s question; it can’t be yours!” I said, in a tone of slightly wounded sensibility.
“All the more reason then that you should answer it. Do you, please?”
I thought I had allowed for the falsehoods I should have to tell; but I found that in fact when it came to the point I had not. Besides, now that I had an opening there was a kind of relief in being frank. Lastly (it was perhaps fanciful, even fatuous), I guessed that Miss Tita personally would not in the last resort be less my friend. So after a moment’s hesitation I answered, “Yes, I have written about him and I am looking for more material. In heaven’s name have you got any?”

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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"It is impossible to doubt it," said James Starr; "and who can say what might not have happened had the sea, instead of a little loch, been let in upon us?"
"You may well say that," cried the old overman, with a feeling of pride in his beloved mine; "for nothing less than a sea would have drowned our Aberfoyle. But, once more, what possible interest could any human being have in the destruction of our works?"
"It is quite incomprehensible," replied James Starr. "This case is something perfectly unlike that of a band of common criminals, who, concealing themselves in dens and caves, go forth to rob and pillage the surrounding country. The evil deeds of such men would certainly, in the course of three years have betrayed their existence and lurking-places. Neither can it be, as I sometimes used to think, that smugglers or coiners carried on their illegal practices in some distant and unknown corner of these prodigious caverns, and were consequently anxious to drive us out of them. But no one coins false money or obtains contraband goods only to conceal them!
"Yet it is clear that an implacable enemy has sworn the ruin of New Aberfoyle, and that some interest urges him to seek in every possible way to wreak his hatred upon us. He appears to be too weak to act openly, and lays his schemes in secret; but displays such intelligence as to render him a most formidable foe.
"My friends, he must understand better than we do the secrets of our domain, since he has all this time eluded our vigilance. He must be a man experienced in mining, skilled beyond the most skillful--that's certain, Simon! We have proof enough of that.
"Let me see! Have you never had a personal enemy, to whom your suspicions might point? Think well! There is such a thing as hatred which time never softens. Go back to recollections of your earliest days. What befalls us appears the work of a stern and patient will, and to explain it demands every effort of thought and memory."
Simon did not answer immediately--his mind evidently engaged in a close and candid survey of his past life. Presently, raising his head, "No," said he; "no! Heaven be my witness, neither Madge nor I have ever injured anybody. We cannot believe that we have a single enemy in the world."
"Ah! if Nell would only speak!" cried the engineer.
"Mr. Starr--and you, father," said Harry, "I do beg of you to keep silence on this matter, and not to question my poor Nell. I know she is very anxious and uneasy; and I feel positive that some great secret painfully oppresses her heart. Either she knows nothing it would be of any use for us to hear, or she considers it her duty to be silent. It is impossible to doubt her affection for us--for all of us. If at a future time she informs me of what she has hitherto concealed from us, you shall know about it immediately."
"So be it, then, Harry," answered the engineer; "and yet I must say Nell's silence, if she knows anything, is to me perfectly inexplicable."
Harry would have continued her defense; but the engineer stopped him, saying, "All right, Harry; we promise to say no more about it to your future wife."

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"Delighted to meet you!" he exclaimed. "If I had only known you were to be above ground to-day, I would have spared myself going down the Yarrow shaft!"
"This is Mr. James Starr," said Harry, turning his lamp towards the engineer, who was in the shadow.
"Mr. Starr!" cried Jack Ryan. "Ah, sir, I could not see. Since I left the mine, my eyes have not been accustomed to see in the dark, as they used to do."
"Ah, I remember a laddie who was always singing. That was ten years ago. It was you, no doubt?"
"Ay, Mr. Starr, but in changing my trade, I haven't changed my disposition. It's far better to laugh and sing than to cry and whine!"

"You're right there, Jack Ryan. And what do you do now, as you have left the mine?"
"I am working on the Melrose farm, forty miles from here. Ah, it's not like our Aberfoyle mines! The pick comes better to my hand than the spade or hoe. And then, in the old pit, there were vaulted roofs, to merrily echo one's songs, while up above ground!--But you are going to see old Simon, Mr. Starr?"
"Yes, Jack," answered the engineer.
"Don't let me keep you then."
"Tell me, Jack," said Harry, "what was taking you to our cottage to-day?"
"I wanted to see you, man," replied Jack, "and ask you to come to the Irvine games. You know I am the piper of the place. There will be dancing and singing."
"Thank you, Jack, but it's impossible."
"Yes; Mr. Starr's visit will last some time, and I must take him back to Callander."
"Well, Harry, it won't be for a week yet. By that time Mr. Starr's visit will be over, I should think, and there will be nothing to keep you at the cottage."
"Indeed, Harry," said James Starr, "you must profit by your friend Jack's invitation."
"Well, I accept it, Jack," said Harry. "In a week we will meet at Irvine."
"In a week, that's settled," returned Ryan. "Good-by, Harry! Your servant, Mr. Starr. I am very glad to have seen you again! I can give news of you to all my friends. No one has forgotten you, sir."
"And I have forgotten no one," said Starr.
"Thanks for all, sir," replied Jack.
"Good-by, Jack," said Harry, shaking his hand. And Jack Ryan, singing as he went, soon disappeared in the heights of the shaft, dimly lighted by his lamp.
A quarter of an hour afterwards James Starr and Harry descended the last ladder, and set foot on the lowest floor of the pit.
From the bottom of the Yarrow shaft radiated numerous empty galleries. They ran through the wall of schist and sandstone, some shored up with great, roughly-hewn beams, others lined with a thick casing of wood. In every direction embankments supplied the place of the excavated veins. Artificial pillars were made of stone from neighboring quarries, and now they supported the ground, that is to say, the double layer of tertiary and quaternary soil, which formerly rested on the seam itself. Darkness now filled the galleries, formerly lighted either by the miner's lamp or by the electric light, the use of which had been introduced in the mines.
"Will you not rest a while, Mr. Starr?" asked the young man.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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“Honest and poor, faithful in word and thought, What has thee, Fabian, to the city brought?”
Though our Handsome Sailor had as much of masculine beauty as one can expect anywhere to see; nevertheless, like the beautiful woman in one of Hawthorne’s minor tales, there was just one thing amiss in him. No visible blemish, indeed, as with the lady; no, but an occasional liability to a vocal defect. Though in the hour of elemental uproar or peril he was everything that a sailor should be, yet under sudden provocation of strong heart-feeling, his voice otherwise singularly musical, as if expressive of the harmony within, was apt to develop an organic hesitancy, in fact, more or less of a stutter or even worse. In this particular Billy was a striking instance that the arch interferer, the envious marplot of Eden, still has more or less to do with every human consignment to this planet of earth. In every case, one way or another he is sure to slip in his little card, as much as to remind us — I too have a hand here.
The avowal of such an imperfection in the Handsome Sailor should be evidence not alone that he is not presented as a conventional hero, but also that the story in which he is the main figure is no romance.
Chapter 3
At the time of Billy Budd’s arbitrary enlistment into the Indomitable that ship was on her way to join the Mediterranean fleet. No long time elapsed before the ‘unction was effected. As one of that fleet the seventy-four participated in its movements, tho’ at times, on account of her superior sailing qualities, in the absence of frigates, despatched on separate duty as a scout and at times on less temporary service. But with all this the story has little concernment, restricted as it is to the inner life of one particular ship and the career of an individual sailor.
It was the summer of 1797. In the April of that year had occurred the commotion at Spithead followed in May by a second and yet more serious outbreak in the fleet at the Nore. The latter is known, and without exaggeration in the epithet, as the Great Mutiny. It was indeed a demonstration more menacing to England than the contemporary manifestoes and conquering and proselyting armies of the French Directory. To the British Empire the Nore Mutiny was what a strike in the fire-brigade would be to London threatened by general arson. In a crisis when the kingdom might well have anticipated the famous signal that some years later published along the naval line of battle what it was that upon occasion England expected of Englishmen; that was the time when at the mast-heads of the three-deckers and seventy-fours moored in her own roadstead — a fleet, the right arm of a Power then all but the sole free conservative one of the Old World — the blue-jackets, to be numbered by thousands, ran up with huzzas the British colors with the union and cross wiped out; by that cancellation transmuting the flag of founded law and freedom defined, into the enemy’s red meteor of unbridled and unbounded revolt. Reasonable discontent growing out of practical grievances in the fleet had been ignited into irrational combustion, as by live cinders blown across the Channel from France in flames.

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"Can't give it away," replied Pepper, "or you would all want to do it."
"I think," broke in the colonel, "it is time we were starting back. If you like, we will have a game on the way."
"A game?" asked Jack.
"Yes; a chase."
"Hare and hounds?" asked Pepper.
"In a way," replied the colonel. "Gerald, you and Pepper will be the hares and the rest of us the hounds."
"Do you mean to scatter papers?" asked Rand.
"Hardly," replied the colonel. "Nothing as plain as that. Remember, we are scouts, and we are going to try and follow the trail they leave. Now, then, hares, off with you. Go any way you choose, and in ten minutes we will take up the trail and see if we can follow it."
With a whoop Gerald and Pepper were off, racing down the road.
"Now, boys," went on the colonel, when the hares had gone, "study their foot-prints so that you will know them again."
"They all look alike to me," replied Rand.
"Study them a little," suggested the colonel; "isn't there any difference between them?"
"I think," began Jack hesitatingly, "that one is broader than the other."
"That's one thing; anything else?"
"This one shows the whole of the sole," said Donald.
"And this one only part," added Rand.
"This one is pressed in deeper on one side than the other," put in Jack.
"You are getting the idea," said the colonel. "Think you would know them again?"
"I think I would," responded Jack.
"Then follow them."
Starting off, the boys followed the trail, each one alert to notice any little peculiarity in the foot-prints that would enable them to recognize it again. The trail was readily followed along the road until it turned off into the woods, when they lost it.
"Keep on," directed the colonel, "perhaps you can pick it up again."
Scattering through the woods the boys diligently sought for the foot-prints, but were unable to discover them.
"We have lost them," announced Rand, after they had searched for some time. "Can you help us to find it?"
"It is a little difficult," the colonel answered, "but there is a trace here and there," pointing out slight indentations on the ground. "It is quite hard here and they didn't leave much impression."
"Here it is again!" cried Rand a little later, when they came to a spot of soft earth. "Here is Pepper's track. I think I would know it anywhere now."
"Good!" commended the colonel; "you are learning fast. You will be able soon to follow any trail."
Going under the colonel's guidance the boys followed the trail through the woods until it came out again on the road, where Gerald and Pepper were waiting for them.
"Not at all bad for a first attempt," said the colonel. "We will try it again some day soon."
Which happened sooner and in a more unexpected way than any of them anticipated.
Chapter 13 A Challenge
"Well done, Pepper!" cried Rand, as the former, drawing back a stout bow nearly as tall as himself, let fly an arrow that struck in the third circle of the target set up at the opposite end of the green.
"'Tis a promising laddie ye are," commented Gerald Moore after a preliminary flourish of his bugle. "Ave ye live to be a hundhred and don't lave aff practice 'tis a foine shot ye'll be, I dunno."

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And now, why had Barbicane & Co. chosen the Wamasai for the theatre of their operations? First, because the country suited them in regard to its geographical situation, as it was in a very little known part of Africa, and as it was very far from the territory usually visited by travellers. Then, the mass of Kilimanjaro offered them all the qualities of solidity and material necessary for their work. And, moreover, on the surface of this country were found the raw materials which they needed in a condition very easy to handle. A few months before leaving the United States President Barbicane had learnt from the Swedish explorer that at the foot of Kilimanjaro iron and coal were plentiful on the ground. No mines to dig into, no fields to explore a thousand feet deep in the earth’s shell. Iron and coal were so plentiful even for this great undertaking that they only had to stoop down to pick it up. In other words, there existed in the neighborhood of this mountain enormous fields of nitrate of soda and of iron pyrites, which were necessary for the manufacture of melimelonite. President Barbicane and Capt. Nicholl had taken with them only ten people, of whom they were absolutely sure, and no one else. These ten men had to supervise the 10,000 Negroes put at their disposal by Bali-Bali, and to them was given the task of manufacturing the monster cannon and its not less monster projectile. Two weeks after the arrival of President Barbicane and his associate at Wamasai three large workshops were established at the southern foot of Kilimanjaro, one for the cannon foundry, the second for the manufacture of the projectile, and the third for the manufacture of the melimelonite.
Now, first of all, how had Barbicane & Co. met the problem of manufacturing a cannon of such colossal dimensions? We will see and understand at the same time that the difficulty of creating such a device was not easily comprehensible by the inhabitants of the world. In reality the making of a cannon a million times larger than that of twenty-seven centimetres was a superhuman work. Already great difficulties had been met in the manufacture of pieces of forty-two centimetres long, which would throw projectiles of 780 kilos with 274 kilograms of powder. Barbicane & Co. did not think of these difficulties. It was not a cannon, not even a mortar, which they intended to make, but simply a gallery bored in the massive rock of Kilimanjaro,—a shaft of a mine, if you wish to call it so.
Evidently this shaft of a mine, this enormous elongated mine, could replace a metal cannon the fabrication of which would have been as dear as difficult and to which it would. be necessary to give an unwieldy thickness to avoid all risk of an explosion. Barbicane & Co. had always entertained the idea of operating in this manner, and if the notebook of J. T. Maston mentioned a cannon it was that of 27 centimetres which had been used in the calculations as a basis. Consequently a spot was chosen at a height of a hundred feet on the southern slope of the chain. Nothing would be in the way of the projectile when it would fly out of the mouth of this tunnel bored in the massive rock of Kilimanjaro. It was with extreme precision and not without very hard work that the men could dig this gallery. But Barbicane & Co. could readily make perforations with simple machines put in action by means of compressed air which was secured by using the powerful falls of water from the mountains. In the holes bored through the headings of the shaft were placed charges of melimelonite. And nothing more was necessary than this violent explosive to shiver the rock, extremely hard as it was.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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The thing that seemed to interest the people most about me were my gloves. Sometimes they would make bold enough to touch them, and they would always gaze upon them with looks of wonder.
The streets are so narrow that I thought at first I was being carried through the aisles of some great market. It is impossible to see the sky, owing to the signs and other decorations, and the compactness of the buildings; and with the open shops, just like stands in a market, except that they are not even cut off from the passing crowd by a counter, the delusion is a very natural one. When Ah Cum told me that I was not in a market-house, but in the streets of the city of Canton, my astonishment knew no limit. Sometimes our little train would meet another train of chairs, and then we would stop for a moment and there would be great yelling and fussing until we had safely passed, the way being too narrow for both trains to move at once in safety.
Coolie number two of my chair was a source of great discomfort to me all the day. He had a strap spanning the poles by which he upheld his share of the chair. This band, or strap, crossed his shoulders, touching the neck just where the prominent bone is. The skin was worn white and hard-looking from the rubbing of the band; but still it worried me, and I watched all the day expecting to see it blister. His long pig-tail was twisted around his head, so I had an unobstructed view of the spot. He was not an easy traveler, this coolie, there being as much difference in the gait of carriers as there is in the gait of horses. Many times he shifted the strap, much to my misery, and then he would turn and, by motions, convey to me that I was sitting more to one side than to the other.
As a result, I made such an effort to sit straight and not to move that when we alighted at the shops I would be cramped almost into a paralytic state. Before the day was over I had a sick headache, all from thinking too much about the comfort of the Chinamen.
A disagreeable thing about the coolies is that they grunt like pigs when carrying one. I can’t say whether the grunt has any special significance to them or not, but they will grunt one after the other along the train, and it is anything but pleasant.
I was very anxious to see the execution ground, so we were carried there. We went in through a gate where a stand erected for gambling was surrounded by a crowd of filthy people. Some few idle ones left it to saunter lazily after us. The place is very unlike what one would naturally suppose it to be. At first sight it looked like a crooked back alley in a country town. There were several rows of half dried pottery. A woman, who was moulding in a shed at one side, stopped her work to gossip about us with another female who had been arranging the pottery in rows. The place is probably seventy-five feet long by twenty-five wide at the front, and narrowing down at the other end. I noticed the ground in one place was very red, and when I asked Ah Cum about it he said indifferently, as he kicked the red-colored earth with his white-souled shoe:

louis vuitoon The light was ebbing slowly out of the rotunda and to my bodily eyes she was beginning

The light was ebbing slowly out of the rotunda and to my bodily eyes she was beginning to grow shadowy. I sat down on the couch and for a long time no word passed between us. We made no movement. We did not even turn towards each other. All I was conscious of was the softness of the seat which seemed somehow to cause a relaxation of my stern mood, I won’t say against my will but without any will on my part. Another thing I was conscious of, strangely enough, was the enormous brass bowl for cigarette ends. Quietly, with the least possible action, Dona Rita moved it to the other side of her motionless person. Slowly, the fantastic women with butterflies’ wings and the slender-limbed youths with the gorgeous pinions on their shoulders were vanishing into their black backgrounds with an effect of silent discretion, leaving us to ourselves.
I felt suddenly extremely exhausted, absolutely overcome with fatigue since I had moved; as if to sit on that Pompeiian chair had been a task almost beyond human strength, a sort of labour that must end in collapse. I fought against it for a moment and then my resistance gave way. Not all at once but as if yielding to an irresistible pressure (for I was not conscious of any irresistible attraction) I found myself with my head resting, with a weight I felt must be crushing, on Dona Rita’s shoulder which yet did not give way, did not flinch at all. A faint scent of violets filled the tragic emptiness of my head and it seemed impossible to me that I should not cry from sheer weakness. But I remained dry-eyed. I only felt myself slipping lower and lower and I caught her round the waist clinging to her not from any intention but purely by instinct. All that time she hadn’t stirred. There was only the slight movement of her breathing that showed her to be alive; and with closed eyes I imagined her to be lost in thought, removed by an incredible meditation while I clung to her, to an immense distance from the earth. The distance must have been immense because the silence was so perfect, the feeling as if of eternal stillness. I had a distinct impression of being in contact with an infinity that had the slightest possible rise and fall, was pervaded by a warm, delicate scent of violets and through which came a hand from somewhere to rest lightly on my head. Presently my ear caught the faint and regular pulsation of her heart, firm and quick, infinitely touching in its persistent mystery, disclosing itself into my very ear — and my felicity became complete.
It was a dreamlike state combined with a dreamlike sense of insecurity. Then in that warm and scented infinity, or eternity, in which I rested lost in bliss but ready for any catastrophe, I heard the distant, hardly audible, and fit to strike terror into the heart, ringing of a bell. At this sound the greatness of spaces departed. I felt the world close about me; the world of darkened walls, of very deep grey dusk against the panes, and I asked in a pained voice:
“Why did you ring, Rita?”
There was a bell rope within reach of her hand. I had not felt her move, but she said very low:

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Word Count 665

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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If You are Already Blogging, Money May be Just a
Click Away

If you already spend a fair amount of time blogging,
money may come to you literally as soon as you ask for
it. Once you have an established blog with a regular
readership, it is easy to turn a profit through advertising.
By hosting sponsored links or banners, you can see
income from your hobby almost overnight. Even if you
did not start your blog intending to turn a profit, making
supplementary income from your blog may be easier
than you think.

Of course, even for people who have spent months or
years blogging, money from advertising revenue may
not add up to a large sum. The amount of money that
you can make as a blogger depends on a lot of different
factors, but perhaps the most important element of the
equation is the topic of your blog. If your blog is on a
subject that appeals to a demographic that advertisers
have a strong desire to reach, you will be more likely to
be able to turn a large profit on your blog than if your
blog is on a fairly obscure subject that does not draw
the kind of audience that advertisers need to appeal to.
Of course, the only way to find out where you fall on
this spectrum is to try hosting some ads. If you are
already blogging, you have nothing to lose.

(Word count 241)


Sunday, October 21, 2012

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You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about keeping your xbox 360 from overheating. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Xbox 360 is one of the hottest selling video gaming consoles today. Besides, this console offers a huge library of games and more. However, it has been found that overheating is one of the problems plaguing the Xbox 360 today. If you experience freezing or crashing while you are playing with your favorite Xbox 360 games, then there is a great chance that it was caused by overheating.

Basically, you need to understand that the hardware inside the Xbox 360, such as the GPU, CPU and hard drive can produce heat after long periods of hours of operation. However, in theory, overheating shouldn't happen as these components have their own cooling system that will be able to prevent overheating.

First Step Is To See If It's Warm...

If you experience crashing or freezing while playing with your favorite Xbox 360 games, try feeling the Xbox 360 for any hot areas. If the Xbox itself is way hotter than normal, then the problem may lie with an overheated hard drive. The power unit can also overheat and you might want to try feeling it too.

Can You Believe Microsoft?

Theoretically, Microsoft claims that the Xbox 360 shouldn't overheat because of the built-in cooling systems. The cooling systems are basically fans that can take cool air inside the unit and hot air out. However, the fans are not really that sufficient in order to keep the Xbox 360 cool enough and prevent it from overheating. It's not really about an issue of substandard fans, but the owners of the Xbox 360 are also to blame for it.

Most people today like keeping their Xbox 360 in a display cabinet below or above their television. This is a big no-no as keeping the Xbox 360 in confined spaces will prevent it from getting cool air. In fact, it will trap in the hot air which will cause the Xbox 360 components to overheat.

So, try playing with your Xbox 360 games with the Xbox 360 console placed on a well-ventilated area, such as on your coffee table. Also, if it is possible, try playing with your Xbox 360 in an air conditioned room. This will help in maintaining the temperature of your Xbox 360 and prevent it from overheating.

Make Sure You Keep It Clean...

Dust is another cause of overheating. In time, dust can accumulate inside the Xbox 360 and can eventually accumulate on the fans that keep the hardware cool. When the fans clog up with dust, it will become inefficient in doing its job. It may also stop working altogether which can eventually result in hardware failure.

So, from time to time, try to clean the insides of your Xbox 360 including the fans. For this, you can use a non-static brush or you can also try spraying a contact cleaner which is very efficient in getting rid of dust on electronic equipments.

If you really want to prevent overheating, try limiting the amount of time you use your Xbox 360. As a hardcore gamer, you may want to play with your Xbox 360 for a lot of hours. However, you have to consider that the system has its limitations and you may want to give the Xbox 360 a rest after a few hours of playing with your favorite games.

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The Blackberry Curve 8520 is equipped with an integrated Bluetooth, HSDPA and 3G offering connectivity wherever you are. It has Up to 16GB Expandable Memory giving you ample space to load the latest video and music in our mobile phone. It really is a Quad-band World Telephone, very light in weight and has a 320 x 240 resolution display. The LCD protector has been extended by RIM to cover even the keyboards as well as the screen. It has an innovative optical trackball that gives easy access and the sensitivity can be adjusted while selecting an object. The trackpad lets you scroll by menus, icons and info by gliding over it just like a laptop.

The internal memory capacity of Blackberry Curve 8520 is 256 MB. If this much memory storage does not suffice your need then you can expand it as much as 32GB with the help of external microSD card slot. For long battery existence a standard Li-Ion 1150 mAh battery is used. This battery gives stand-by time Up to 408 h and Talk time Up to 4 h 30 min.

This latest mobile cell phone of Blackberry is one of the slimmest & perfectly developed handset for which most of the users wants to avail it inside beginning of this year. Firstly, this attractive telephone comes into two diverse colours: Black & Violet, so user can make their choice accordingly. For the people who like to be interconnected with their social networks or relatives then it will be great choice to buy new Blackberry Curve 8520, since this telephone offers easy & fast access to email, instant messaging and popular social networking sites & applications. User can easily type emails & messages together with the help of its full QWERTY keyboard that gives additional comfortable as compare to normal keypad.

Gadget Review: Blackberry Bold vs iPhone 3GS. Blackberry or iPhone? That is the question I hear every day from any person looking to obtain one of the cool gadgets. Well my friends, this review will most certainly shed some light on both phones, and hopefully you will be able to draw some conclusions at the finish.

Best messaging services & faster connectivity are two facilities which Blackberry promised to deliver using the help of this new cellular mobile phone to their customers. Apart from messaging solutions, Blackberry 8520 Curve cell phone is also a best choice if you are looking to buy an enriched multimedia telephone. Dedicated media keys and mind blowing applications helps you to control & organize the flow of music & videos on your handset.

So once you have chosen the wood, you need to determine how long you want your wand to be. Wands can be anywhere from 8 inches up to 1 yard in length. It needs to have a good grip and be comfortable to use. Some say that a good length is from the crook of your elbow for the tip of your middle finger. Another option is to cut it to measure 13 inches; the number 13 is sacred on the Goddess as it represents the 13 lunar cycles in the year. Once you have determined what length to make your wand, it's time to get to work.

Blackberry is used by almost 3 million users in America. Some sources say about 1 million government employees are regular users. Canada is another one of the key market of the company.

Friday, October 19, 2012



The parts which first suffer from alcohol are those expansions of the body which the anatomists call the membranes. "The skin is a membranous envelope. Through the whole of the alimentary surface, from the lips downward, and through the bronchial passages to their minutest ramifications, extends the mucous membrane. The lungs, the heart, the liver, the kidneys are folded in delicate membranes, which can be stripped easily from these parts. If you take a portion of bone, you will find it easy to strip off from it a membranous sheath or covering; if you examine a joint, you will find both the head and the socket lined with membranes. The whole of the intestines are enveloped in a fine membrane called peritoneum . All the muscles are enveloped in membranes, and the fasciculi, or bundles and fibres of muscles, have their membranous sheathing. The brain and spinal cord are enveloped in three membranes; one nearest to themselves, a pure vascular structure, a network of blood-vessels; another, a thin serous structure; a third, a strong fibrous structure. The eyeball is a structure of colloidal humors and membranes, and of nothing else. To complete the description, the minute structures of the vital organs are enrolled in membranous matter."

These membranes are the filters of the body. "In their absence there could be no building of structure, no solidification of tissue, nor organic mechanism. Passive themselves, they, nevertheless, separate all structures into their respective positions and adaptations."

Membranous deteriorations.

In order to make perfectly clear to your mind the action and use of these membranous expansions, and the way in which alcohol deteriorates them, and obstructs their work, we quote again from Dr. Richardson:

"The animal receives from the vegetable world and from the earth the food and drink it requires for its sustenance and motion. It receives colloidal food for its muscles: combustible food for its motion; water for the solution of its various parts; salt for constructive and other physical purposes. These have all to be arranged in the body; and they are arranged by means of the membranous envelopes. Through these membranes nothing can pass that is not, for the time, in a state of aqueous solution, like water or soluble salts. Water passes freely through them, salts pass freely through them, but the constructive matter of the active parts that is colloidal does not pass; it is retained in them until it is chemically decomposed into the soluble type of matter. When we take for our food a portion of animal flesh, it is first resolved, in digestion, into a soluble fluid before it can be absorbed; in the blood it is resolved into the fluid colloidal condition; in the solids it is laid down within the membranes into new structure, and when it has played its part, it is digested again, if I may so say, into a crystalloidal soluble substance, ready to be carried away and replaced by addition of new matter, then it is dialysed or passed through, the membranes into the blood, and is disposed of in the excretions.

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Finding Rare and Collectible Coins

Coin collecting was started only as a hobby for most people, however you can hear what other people say (or you probably have heard yourself) about news of people cashing in on their old coin; and that encouraged more people to go on a coin-collecting streak. If you are one of those people who want to invest in coins, here are several places to start your collection.

Coin Shops:

Many shop owners are dealers that know a lot of information about coins and are selling coins too. These coin shops are a valuable place to find and gain more information about coins and coin collecting. These coin shops can be costly, though, as they are anticipating selling their coins for a profit. With enough knowledge and/or having someone who know a great deal about coin collecting at your side, you can get great prices for your coins.

Coin Shows:

There are times when your local mall will have an exhibit from several coin dealers and that will let you see all of the collections and allow you to buy some coins for a lower price due to the competition. You will probably also see several new coins that are available and suitable for your collection.

These coins shows are great not only for sellers and buyers but also for coin enthusiasts who want to see rare and hard to find coins.

Mail Orders/Web Sites:

There are thousands of dealers worldwide and most of them have websites that allow buy coins and pay for them through mail order or through any online payment system such as Paypal. You should do your research on these companies and read their terms carefully to make sure that you can get your money back when you have a problem with the coin you purchased and/or received.

For every legitimate web site, there are may be hundreds of fake web sites that are just attempting to get your money. You should always ask for feedback from previous customers before paying anybody online and remember not to give out any password or pin numbers.

Flea Markets:

It would be surprising place to find rare coins at a flea market, but stranger things have happened. These places have different ideas about pricing which is due to their lack of understanding of how a coin should be priced. You will find overpriced coins but if you are lucky you might find a rare coin somewhere in those stacks of coins that will make it worth your while.

Flea markets sellers are usually looking for a quick sell and would probably give you discounts when you buy their items in bulk. Try to buy other items and get your coins added as a bonus.


If you are looking to invest in really, really rare coins, the best place to go would be an auction. Auctions are the only place where you can find people selling their rarest and most expensive coins. Several of these auctions are happening online at the same time and most of the sellers are looking for the highest bidders. You must be aware and warned that some of these sellers are frauds and will not make the price you pay worthwhile. You should try to learn more about these coins and their worth before trying to buy one from an online auction.

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California Tan Products: Redefining Color and Beauty

The whole of California together with the rest of the world are raving over tanned skin. Why? Well basically because of the fact that people who have tanned skin looks healthier, attractive and thinner. And let us not forget that tanned skin is less likely to get skin cancer compared to white skin. There are lots of ways on how to get a tan. And the most common and inexpensive way is to sun bathe. However, long exposure to the sun can prove to be dangerous especially for people with white skin since long hours of sunbathing may lead to sunburn or worst skin cancer.

The same danger is derived from utilizing tanning beds, sun lamps and any other tanning gadgets that make use of UVA and UVB rays. Fortunately, there are California Tan products that make use of sunless tanning technology so you can get your desired tan without fearing skin cancer or getting sunburn.

California Tan Sunless Tanning Products You can find California Tan products from tanning salons. All you have to do is to choose from their wide array of sunless tanning products and solutions ranging from lotions to tanning sprays utilized on booths. Try to experiment with tanning products to see which suits you or better yet why not consult a tanning specialist so that you will be properly guided on the product to choose.

Among the tanning products the booth is one of the best options that you may consider. Why? Basically because with a tanning booth you are better assured of getting an even tan plus the effect is much longer compared to other tanning products, say lotion for example.

However, it is very important to bear in mind to choose only reputable tanning salons in your area since you may end up having an orange colored skin rather than the tan you desire. Plus there is also the danger that your skin may be damage while undergoing the booth tanning procedures. There are also products such as tanning accelerators, which hasten tanning while protecting your skin from getting damage.

Basically all products that make use of sunless tanning technology are ideal for getting a tan. And usually the healthiest tanning solutions and products often proved to be safest and easiest to use. When it comes to sunless California Tan products there are many brands to choose from.

Choose products that are appropriate for your skin type. This will prevent you from getting allergies or from damaging your skin. Likewise, use products that have moisturizing effects since it tend to make the tan to last longer.

Again, its should be noted that the tan you are to get out from utilizing sunless California Tan tanning products are only temporary which means that if you want to continue having tanned skin you would need to retouch or have it redone.

Skin Deep Tanning The abovementioned California Tan products provide tan only on the surface and that's why we call it as temporary tanning products. But if you want to have a tanned for real then the best way is to take tanning pills. Don't worry it is completely safe. How does it work? The tanning pills sort of dye the top layer of fats with a dark brown color. The dye would then show through the skin giving it a tan look.

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Are You on The No-Fly List? What You Can Do

Each day, millions of Americas board an airplane. Although many of those individuals do not have a problem, others do. One of those problems may involve the no-fly list. While the no-fly list was designed to make air travel safer, there are some instances when the wrong individuals have been targeted. These mistakes often include mistaken identities or misspelled names. Despite what you are told or may think, there are ways that you can get yourself off of the no-fly list.

Although you can get your name off the no-fly list, it is important to remember that it will not happen overnight. In fact, if you are notified that your name is on the no-fly list at the airport, it is almost a guarantee that you will not be able to board your plane. Since airport security cannot rely on your word, they will likely not allow you to proceed any further. In fact, you may even be detained a short period of time by airport security. Once you are released, you can begin taking the steps needed to have your name removed from the no-fly list.

The first step in getting your name off the no-fly list is to the contact the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Once you are notified that your name is on the no-fly list, you should be provided with the contact information for the TSA. If you are not provided with this information, you can easily obtain the telephone number needed to directly contact the administration by visiting their online website. That online website can be found at www.tsa.gov. Once you have made contact with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), you will be provided with instructions on what to do next. Those instructions will likely include filling out a form that should be mailed to you.

In addition to filling out the proper paperwork, you will also be asked to submit identification. In fact, you will need to submit more than one piece of identification Most travelers need three different items. Accepted items include a driver�s license, a government identification card, a military card, a social security card, a voter registration card, a passport, a visa, or a birth certificate. Although only three pieces of identification are required, you may want to have additional identification documents on hand, just in case. After you have collected these items, they will need to be notarized by the proper officials.

After you have submitted all of the required documents, the process should begin, which will result in your name being removed from the no-fly list. This process could take as little as a few weeks, but it could take months. You are advised against making any travel plans until you receive confirmation that your name has officially been removed from the no-fly list. Once your name has been removed, all airlines will be notified of this removal. This should mean that you are now able to purchase airline tickets and make travel plans.

In addition to actually having your name on no-fly list, namely due to a mistake, there is a chance that someone else with the same name as you could be on the no-fly list. Despite the fact that you are not the one on the no-fly list, you may experience some problems. For that reason, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has developed a traveler verification program. In the event that you are commonly mistaken for someone else, it may be a good idea to register for that program. Information on this helpful program can be found by visiting the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)�s online website. As previously mentioned, that website can be found at www.tsa.gov.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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The World Wide Forex market

Forex is a trading 'method' also known as FX or and foreign market exchange. Those involved in the foreign exchange markets are some of the largest companies and banks from around the world, trading in currencies from various countries to create a balance as some are going to gain money and others are going to lose money. The basics of forex are similar to that of the stock market found in any country, but on a much larger, grand scale, that involves people, currencies and trades from around the world, in just about any country.

Different currency rates happen and change every day. What the value of the dollar may be one day could be higher or lower the next. The trading on the forex market is one that you have to watch closely or if you are investing huge amounts of money, you could lose large amounts of money. The main trading areas for forex, happens in Tokyo, in London and in New York, but there are also many other locations around the world where forex trading does take place.

The most heavily traded currencies are those that include (in no particular order) the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc, the British pound sterling, the Japanese yen, the Eurozone eruo, and the United States dollar. You can trade any one currency against another and you can trade from that currency to another currency to build up additional money and interest daily.

The areas where forex trading is taking place will open and close, and the next will open and close. This is seen also in the stock exchanges from around the world, as different time zones are processing order and trading during different time frames. The results of any forex trading in one country could have results and differences in what happens in additional forex markets as the countries take turns opening and closing with the time zones. Exchange rates are going to vary from forex trade to forex trade, and if you are a broker, or if you are learning about the forex markets you want to know what the rates are on a given day before making any trades.

The stock market Is generally based on products, prices, and other factors within businesses that will change the price of stocks. If someone knows what is going to happened before the general public, it is often known as inside trading, using business secrets to buy stocks and make money - which by the way is illegal. There is very little, if any at all inside information in the forex trading markets. The monetary trades, buys and sells are all a part of the forex market but very little is based on business secrets, but more on the value of the economy, the currency and such of a country at that time.

Every currency that is traded on the forex market does have a three letter code associated with that currency so there is no misunderstanding about which currency or which country one is investing with at the time. The eruo is the EUR and the US dollar is known as the USD. The British pound is the GBP and the Japanese yen is known as the JPY. If you are interested in contacting a broker and becoming involved in the forex markets you can find many online where you can review the company information and transactions before processing and becoming involved in the forex markets.

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What if there was a way to get your partner to agree to relationship counseling? Imagine what it would be like to go to relationship counseling and bring back the magic that you once had. You probably know this, but although relationship counseling is often used by couples as one last attempt at saving a marriage or relationship, it can be the key factor in preventing a breakup down the road when used to catch problems early on.

Years ago counseling wasn't something that couples readily approached as a solution because it just wasn't as commonly known. Today, many couples are more open to new and different things and most are willing to participate in counseling to improve their marriages or relationships before they get too far gone to fix.

If you are in a relationship that you feel could truly benefit and become stronger by going through counseling, it is important to ask your partner to go with you in a way that does not point at them in a judgmental way. If you feel strongly about going and are having problems convincing them to go, make it seem like the counseling is for your benefit if nothing else.

If you present it as you being the one that has some issues that need to be worked on and explain that you want to be able to contribute more to the relationship and become a better partner, they will be more likely to agree to go with you. Once you have started your relationship counseling, you will both be learning the different steps to having a better relationship.

It doesn't matter if you have been together for 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades. It is never too late to make a stronger relationship and resolve the little issues before they become the big ones, so whatever you do, do not be intimidated or scared to suggest to your partner that you think you should go to counseling.

Although the counseling would work the best if you both went through the sessions together, it's not the end of the world if you partner absolutely will not go. This does happen in some cases where they just do not want to accept that they may not be perfect. Don't let this stop you though. You can go through the counseling alone and start working on your own improvement.

Chances are once you partner sees what the counseling is doing for you, he will be likely to give it a try himself.

These are just a few of the simple steps to take to get your partner to agree to relationship counseling.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Credit Cards For High School Students

Students in high school that are looking to start building their credit early can get high school student credit cards. These credits cards can help teach high school students responsibility, and how to manage their credit at an early age. These types of credit cards are issued to high school students, with a parent or guardian co-signing with the student. Students who have these credit cards also have a sense of responsibility as well.

Before applying for a high school student credit card, both students and co-signers should always look at their available options. There are a lot of banks and credit card companies to choose from, which makes it in your best interest to look around. Some cards will come with high APR and a high annual fee, while some are more reasonable. With high school students not having any credit, some banks and companies will try to charge unreasonable rates - which is reason enough to do your research and know the best deal.

Co-signers can normally help students to make the best decision. The co-signer will be going on the application with the student, and will be the individual that the bank or company will come to when the student is unable to pay the bill. Parents and co-signers will know the best deals for credit cards, which is students should always ask them for help when picking out the ideal credit card.

For some students, prepaid credit cards can be an ideal investment. These cards hold absolutely no risk for students, while they help to teach financial management as well. With these high school student credit cards, the prepaid amount you have put on the card is your spending limit. To ensure that the application for is filled out correctly, students should always have a parent or guardian assist them with filling the information out.

When a student gets their credit card, they should be instructed on how to properly use the credit card. Although some students will be tempted to run up their high school student credit card, they should save it for emergency situations. At the end of the month, they should try to pay their whole bill, to avoid getting into debt. If a student can pay the bill - it will also help boost their credit.

If you are interested in a high school student credit card, you can always apply for one online. The applications are processed in a timely manner, normally giving you a response in a matter of minutes. Although credit cards are great to have, prepaid credit cards are sometimes the way to go with students. If you are unsure - make sure you look into all options available to you and compare what you find out.

You can find the best choice of credit cards and pre-paid cards at www.CreditCards.us (http://www.creditcards.us)


(word count 456) 相关的主题文章:

LV Outlet on the cost if you were to retain them to handle it for you

on the cost if you were to retain them to handle it for you.
Listen to their ideas and incorporate them where-and if- you
think they would make your brochure better. And, if one of them
does come in with a cost estimate that's lower than your
independent, "do-it-yourself" costs, then think seriously about
assigning the job to them.

This is definitely the most important piece of work that will
ever come out of your office, so be sure it's the best, and
positively indicative of your business. This will be the business
image you project, so make sure it reflects the quality, style
and credibility of your business--your thinking, and your

Your brochure should be on 60 pound coated paper, in at least
two colors and by a professional printer. The end result is the
Z-folded brochure--Z-folded by the printer--with your third class
mailing permit showing on the cover side. This cover side should
be flamboyant and eye-catching. You want your mailing piece to
stand out in a pile of 50 or 60 pieces of other mail received by
the recipient.

When you're ready to mail, simply take a couple of cartons of
your brochures to an addressing shop, have them run your
brochures through their addressing machine, loaded with your
mailing list, bundle them and drop them off at the post office
for you.

This takes us back to the planning on how to compile your
mailing list. I suggest that you begin with Cheshire Cards by
Xerox. You type the name of your addressee on the cards, maintain
these cards in the order of your choice, take your boxes of cards
to the addressing shop whenever you have a mailing, and there's
no further work on your part. The addressing shop loads their
machine with your cards, prints the address on your cards
directly onto your brochures, and gives the cards back to you
when the mailing is completed. A mailing of 100,000 brochures,
via this method--generally could be completed and on its way in
one 8-hour day.

In essence, you'll want to solicit business with a regular
routine of telephone selling, in-person sales calls at the
prospective client's place of business, media advertising and
direct mail efforts. All of these efforts are important and
necessary to the total success of your business--don't try to cut
corners or spare the time or expense needed to make sure you're
operating at full potential in these areas! In addition to these
specific areas, it would be wise for you to attend chamber of
commerce meetings, and join several of your area civic
clubs--you'll meet a great number of business leaders at these
meetings and through their association, you'll gain a great deal
of business--and even help in many of your needs.

Once you're organized and rolling, you can easily expand your
market nationwide with the installation of a toll free telephone
and advertising in business publications. Perhaps you can add to
your primary business with a "mailing shop" of your own--the
rental of mailing lists--specialized temporary help
services--telephone answering services--and even survey work..

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Thrill seekers may find fun aboard a cruise ship with an adventure theme. Traditional cruise ship services, facilities, and activities can be found aboard a cruise ship. In addition to traditional cruise ship services, it is likely that you will find a number of onboard activities designed for those seeking a thrill. Many of these activities include onboard surfing and rock climbing. The adventure activities found aboard a themed cruise will all depend on the cruise ship in question. As more cruise ships are being developed, so are the number of activities designed for those who want action and adventure.

It is easy to see that there are a number of different themed cruises. If you are interested in scheduling a vacation aboard a themed cruise ship, you will need to find the cruise ship of your choice. This can most easily be done by searching for the activities or themes that you most enjoy participating in.


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Hugo de Lacy hastily recollected himself, and found that it was indeed true, that, until he thought of his union with Eveline, there had appeared no change in his nephew’s health. His silence and confusion did not escape the artful Prelate. He took the hand of the warrior as he stood before him overwhelmed in doubt, lest his preference of the continuance of his own house to the rescue of the Holy Sepulchre should have been punished by the disease which threatened his nephew’s life. “Come,” he said, “noble De Lacy — the judgment provoked by a moment’s presumption may be even yet averted by prayer and penitence. The dial went back at the prayer of the good King Hezekiah — down, down upon thy knees, and doubt not that, with confession, and penance, and absolution, thou mayst yet atone for thy falling away from the cause of Heaven.”
Borne down by the dictates of the religion in which he had been educated, and by the fears lest his delay was punished by his nephew’s indisposition and danger, the Constable sunk on his knees before the Prelate, whom he had shortly before well-nigh braved, confessed, as a sin to be deeply repented of, his purpose of delaying his departure for Palestine, and received, with patience at least, if not with willing acquiescence, the penance inflicted by the Archbishop; which consisted in a prohibition to proceed farther in his proposed wedlock with the Lady Eveline, until he was returned from Palestine, where he was bound by his vow to abide for the term of three years.
“And now, noble De Lacy,” said the Prelate, “once more my best beloved and most honoured friend — is not thy bosom lighter since thou hast thus nobly acquitted thee of thy debt to Heaven, and cleansed thy gallant spirit from those selfish and earthly stains which dimmed its brightness?”
The Constable sighed. “My happiest thoughts at this moment,” he said, “would arise from knowledge that my nephew’s health is amended.”
“Be not discomforted on the score of the noble Damian, your hopeful and valorous kinsman,” said the Archbishop, “for well I trust shortly ye shall hear of his recovery; or that, if it shall please God to remove him to a better world, the passage shall be so easy, and his arrival in yonder haven of bliss so speedy, that it were better for him to have died than to have lived.”
The Constable looked at him, as if to gather from his countenance more certainty of his nephew’s fate than his words seemed to imply; and the Prelate, to escape being farther pressed on the subject on which he was perhaps conscious he had ventured too far, rung a silver bell which stood before him on the table, and commanded the chaplain who entered at the summons, that he should despatch a careful messenger to the lodging of Damian Lacy to bring particular accounts of his health.
“A stranger,” answered the chaplain, “just come from the sick chamber of the noble Damian Lacy, waits here even now to have speech of my Lord Constable.”
“Admit him instantly,” said the Archbishop —“my mind tells me he brings us joyful tidings.— Never knew I such humble penitence,— such willing resignation of natural affections and desires to the doing of Heaven’s service, but it was rewarded with a guerdon either temporal or spiritual.”

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Divorce; learn to get past what you hear

Divorce teaches a person many things. Some people take them to a place that makes them bitter. People lose a lot in divorces and that's not just personal materials. A person will lose a piece of himself or herself through the process of divorce. You should know that when you go through a divorce you might make a lot of personal changes. You will find your own way and become independent. You may change negatively, but eventually you'll get back on track.

You will want to overcome being this way by allowing yourself to learn your lesson, but not hold it against yourself. You will learn so much from a divorce that you may be scared to enter another relationship, but you shouldn't. You should know that your friends and family love you and want you to be happy. Your friends will encourage you, as well as, support you.

One the most important lessons that you will learn from divorce is you are stronger than you think. It takes a lot out of a person and it knock you down. Going though all that you have, you will become a stronger person. It will enable you to handle situations that you normally wouldn't think you could handle. Divorce makes you stronger.

It will also allow you to know the difference between words and action. Your mate might have promised to be civilized and then took everything. This may make you not want to trust anyone ever again, however, you will find a medium of believing everything and distrusting everything. You will know when someone is feeding you a line and you will tell when someone is being truly honest. Actions always speak louder than words. You may want to keep that in mind when it comes to other relationships.

You will also learn to appreciate your friends. You know when you have a true friend because you will never be alone in your times of need. Your friends will always have your back in everything that you do. You will also find that your friends are source of strength. They will encourage you to be better and they will encourage you to have goals and reach for them. Divorce will also let you know which friends aren't worth a dime. You will be able to tell the difference between an honest person and someone who will stay with you and someone who just uses your friendship every now and then.

Another important less that everyone will learn is that anger helps heal. Although, there are people who say that you should hold back on your anger during times like divorce so that you don't mess up you case. But you need to get angry! You need to yell, you need to curse, you need right your wrong even if it won't help. Once you have expressed your anger you can then learn what it takes to let it go. You can get all your feelings out, all your hurt, and then you can learn to forgive. Anger is the beginning of the healing process.

Another tip that you will get from divorce is that sometimes it's better to be on your own and follow your own path, whether than put up following someone else. You will be happier being able to control your life you will be a better person if you are able to find your own way of doing things. Your self-esteem will rise because you are an independent individual. It may be something that you never expected from yourself and more of a reason to feel a whole lot better about the situation.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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� Life Mentoring:

Because of the demand from our clients we started this site Life Mentoring for individual visitors, in
1998. It's mission is to provide you with the best collection of thoughts, ideas, philosophies and practical concepts for leading a truly meaningful and successful life. It is not linked to any school of thought, but rather wants to give you an overview of all different approaches - and so you to choose and pick whatever suits your needs best." The site has a number of very good articles, excellent collection of links, a free newsletter, a bbs/forum. Lots of enthusiasm, but no commercial hype.

A group program or a general tape is, of course, less costly. If it does in fact does come close to fitting the goals, motivation and personality of the individual reasonably well, it may prove to be a useful self-improvement tool. It is a less costly approach, but it could not reasonably be expected to be as effective as a program or tape designed specifically for you.

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Home Selling Tips

Planning to sell your house? Or planning to move to a new house and selling the old one? There are some home selling tips to make your home selling attracts a buyer. You should pay attention to some aspects if you would sell your home. The price almost becomes a general of all. And then, the qualities of your house can be guarantee. The qualities include beauty, functionality, coziness, etc.
Above all, assumes that you are a buyer, what will you look or what will you look if you want to buy a house? There are some home selling tips:
· Just familiar with the market price of houses, and put the reasonable price.
· The location of your house can be a point to increase or decrease your market price, if your house located in an elite residential, you are allowed to increase your market price.
· Plan some strategy to advertise and promote your home selling. You can consult with an expert or with a realty agent. Just put your advertising in local newspaper or you also can put your home selling promotion in a websites. Nowadays, there are many sites that operate in home selling advertising.
· Put a board sign written “Home For Sale by Owner” in your front yard
· Showing your home to a buyer directly or using visual media.
· Your presentation to a buyer can add a good value of your home selling.
· No home is perfect. You just disclosing and clarifying all the negative facts in your house.
· Make a good first impression, by doing some preparations in your exterior, interior, and appliances.
· Creating a buying mood, with turn of air conditioner or heater, make some spaces, create coziness, open the windows, light the fireplace, etc.
· Qualify a buyer is necessary to do to make sure that the process of selling work properly.
· Pay attention to your house tax. You can consult with your house tax advisor.
· Just now about all legal transaction process terms such as contracts, and letter correlated.
· Learn how to do a good negotiation.
· If you decide to use an agent or realtor, you must know the different of two them. You also should now the commission and all the process inside.
· Choose a reputable realtor.
· Put the board signs written “Home For Sale by Realtor” if you use realtor.
· Make the most of your realtor’s advices. Your realtor will guide you to your home selling and you will receive the maximum results offered.
tip on selling your own home
Selling your own home is never easy, and the difficulties ran more than just missing an agent. There are those memories and sense of belongings to get over, for one. You want to make sure the house you’ve lived in moves to the best buyer possible – and you want to make sure they’re willing to pay what it’s worth. Do you really think you can do this? A lot of people managed to sell their own home quickly. Here are some tips that might help:

· Make sure you have every legal issues covered before you even think about handing your house over. Does your state law require you to give property disclosures to potential buyers? It’s always a good idea to invest in a good attorney to help you.
· An attorney also come in handy for helping you make the contract form. Selling your own home requires a contract that would both protect you and the buyer – think about the buyer deposit and the local estate laws.
· A useful but normally disregarded tip in selling your own home is make sure you pick out the best picture to put in the advertisements. Like humans, not all houses are “photogenic”, so pick out the best angle that still represents what your house has to offer.
· Something the agents have and you don’t is experience, especially in observing buyers. The large amount of potential buyers coming to your house should not convince you that everyone can finance for a house. If you’re selling a house on your own, more buyers will come in hope of a more flexible negotiation – check them all. Ask if they’re able to buy your house immediately, or do they need to sell their own house first.
· Cleaning and preparing your house for home showings is only a part of your effort. Some potential buyers love to do drive-bys, and rely on that first impression. Make sure your lawn and the front part of your house is well maintained. If your curb appeal is low, clients are reluctant to see what’s inside.
These tips on selling your own home came from people who managed to sell their house successfully. There’s a lot to consider before you take every next step, so take your time. And remember, it’s useless to do the selling on your own if the revenue taken from not hiring an agent is spent heavily on fixing your own mistakes!

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Right Carpet For Your Home

If you walk into any carpeting store, you'll find
yourself amazed at all of the choices that are there
for you to pick from. You'll find textured plush
carpets, saxony carpets, berber carpets, and even
commercial grade carpets. There are carpets that
can be installed wall to wall, and carpets that can
be cut to size with bound edges and carpet squares.

Your first consideration when purchasing a new carpet
should not be color, even though it is important.
Your first consideration should be how much traffic
you are going to have on the carpet. If you plan
to put carpet in the bedroom, then it won't have as
much traffic as carpet in the living room.

Stain resistance will also be important. This is
something to think about with any carpet, especially
carpet that is going to be used in a dining room
or play room area where there will be a stready
stream of food or possibilities for spills.

You'll also want to inquire about the rating of the
carpet as well. Indoor carpeting is normally rated
on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest
rating. Carpets with a 5 rating are considered the
best for heavy traffic areas. Rating of 4 are
considered outstanding and recommended for heavy
traffic areas of your home.

Ratings of 2.5 to 4 would provide normal durability
for your home. Carpets that rate 2.5 or lower
should only be used with light traffic areas, such
as bedrooms. Choosing carpet based on the type of
traffic it will receive can help you save a lot
of money down the road, although you should buy
carpet suited to your needs and requirements.

The highest quality of carpet you can buy is carpet
made of wool. Wool carpets are very expensive,
although you'll reap the benefits over years of
use as wool will easily out perform any man
made carpet. Two of the best benefits of wool
carpet include its natural soil resistance and
it's ability to retain appearance, meaning it
won't crush or wear down like other carpets.

The downside to wool carpet, is the fact that it
is out of reach for most of us. If you can't
afford to have woold carpet installed throughout
your entire house, then you should instead have
it installed in the room that receives the highest
amount of traffic.

There are several different man made carpets that
you can choose from as well. If you have a high
traffic area, then nylon would be an ideal choice
due to the durability. Nylon is stain resistant
as well, and repels mildew.

Carpets made of olefin is also a great choice for
high traffic areas as it is very strong and easy
to clean. Polyester is another good carpet as
it is easy to clean and repels water based stains.
Polyester is known for the look and feel of wool,
although it is much less expensive.

The color consideration is also important. Light
colored carpets create an effect of a larger
space, although they do tend to show stains more
easily. Dark carpets on the other hand tend to
absorb light, giving a room what many know as
the "cozy feeling".

When you find a carpet that appeals to you, you
should ask to take a piece of it home. Look at
it during natural daylight and at night under
an artificial light to see if the color changes
at all.


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

LV Outlet Beginning Recycling at Home

Beginning Recycling at Home

Every year, tons of material that could be recycled aren't, and end up clogging our already overwhelmed dumps, waterways and roadsides. Most people think it's a difficult undertaking to organize a recycling center at home. However, with some creativity and commitment, it can be easy to do. You'll feel better about yourself doing your part to care for the environment as a result, too.

Find a convenient place in your home or apartment for the center. It doesn't take much
room for your recyclables. The garages, a storage closet, corner of the kitchen, or under your kitchen sink all make great locations. Find and clearly label containers in which to store your recycled materials. Plastic buckets, storage containers or even trash cans work great depending on the amount of room you have available.

Get your family actively involved in the recycling process. Make sure they all are aware of what products can be recycled. Teach them the difference between the aluminum can bin and the tin can bin. While doing their weekly chores, teach them to be on the lookout for recyclable material lying around the house, and encourage them to place it in the proper storage bins.

Encourage them to come up with ideas for reducing the amount of recycled material that's consumed by your household. Take them along with you to the recycling center in your neighborhood so they can witness the process firsthand. Show them how they can reuse recyclable materials in their own organizational efforts at home. Perhaps a large cardboard box can double as a bin for all their shoes, or a coffee can be repurposed as a penny bank.

And when they learn the money that can be both saved and earned from recycling and reusing products, they'll have developed an environmentally healthy and thrifty habit for life.

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Sacroiliac Bones and Back Pain
The coccyx is the area of our back that can break easily from backward falls, motorized accidents, etc, since it does not offer us balance. Connected to the coccyx or the smaller bone at the spine base is a fuse of bones that climb up the spine. The bones connect with the sacrum joints at the lower back. The sacrum connects to the hipbone and forms into the pelvis joining the lower region and iliac bones. The iliac bones are larger structures that connect to joints called sacroiliac. The sacroiliac is a fraction of the hip ilium and the joints sandwiched between the sacrum and the ilium.

In this region, millions of people are deformed, since the sacroiliac is often asymmetric. For this reason, millions of people suffer lower back pain. Sacroiliac joints can only move a unit of length equal to one thousandth of a single meter, since the joints are thicker than other joints. The sacroiliac joints give support to the arms, shoulders, trunk, and cranium in all directions. Amazing, since the joints sit low and near the pelvis and sacrum:

The joints often move in direction of the other and provide less mobility than any other joint or muscles that makes up the spine. The forces of gravity that restrain these joints increases the odds of back pain, since these joints will experience overloads of tension caused from the strain that emerges from larger lifts of the lower back and the trunk along the contractions of the upper back region. The joints are restrained also by a group of the most compelling muscles in our body, which these muscles curve over the sacroiliac. Still, the sacroiliac is our support for the cranium, which we can move in all directions because of these joints. As well, the sacroiliac controls the movement of our arms, shoulders, and trunk.

The joints can only move slightly, yet amazing the sacroiliac is our central reason that we run, walk, abruptly halt, and so on. The sacroiliac joints are flexible as well as powerful.
At the lower back, a connection meets in the area of the loins, which makes up the lumbar. The lumbar is the smaller and lower area of the back. This area makes up a small number of bones at the larger spine and sets it self apart from other elements of the back. Beneath these bones are disks. In addition, intricate tissues that connect the bones lay beneath the lumbar giving us support, since it surrounds various parts of the body and organs that consist chiefly of collagen and elastic. The connective tissues also support reticular fibers, cartilages, fatty tissues, etc. The connective tissues however do not have blood vessels or nerves that connect.

At the back are two separate spinal columns that are flanked between the disks. The spinal columns loosely fit between the surfaces of joining parts. In summary, four surfaces join slackly to corresponding spinal columns. The two columns will move smoothly, sliding transversely over the other surface. You can notice these vertebras in action while considering arch aerobics, or similar movements. The lumbar joins with spines at the curvature of the back.

Now, these areas of the spine allow us to twist, turn, move from one side to the other, and bend back or forward. The ribs do not underpin these areas, since it is higher than the lumber. This means that injuries are likely to occur from actions, such as twisting. In fact, the lumbar is holding up more weight than the average bones and joints in the vertebrae, since it must withstand over volumes of stress.

Because the lumbar lacks support from the spine, something has to become the intermediary to support the lumber and that intermediary is known as the cylindrical girdle.


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䵯牥⁴桡渠佮攠坡礠瑯⁓歩渠愠䍡琺⁁摶敮瑵牥猠楮⁃牥慴楶攠周楮歩湧ഊഊ䡯眠浡湹⁴業敳⁨慶攠祯甠捡畧桴⁹潵牳敬映獡祩湧⁴桡琠瑨敲攠捯畬搠扥漠潴桥爠獯汵瑩潮⁴漠愠灲潢汥洠阠慮搠瑨慴⁴桡琠灲潢汥洠汥慤猠瑯⁡⁤敡搠敮搿⁈潷慮礠瑩浥猠桡癥⁹潵⁦敬琠獴畭灥搠歮潷楮朠瑨慴⁴桥⁰牯扬敭慹楮朠扥景牥⁹潵⁩猠潮攠祯甠捡湮潴⁳潬癥⸠乯敡摳⸠⁎漠潰瑩潮献†乯⁳潬畴楯湳⸠‍਍੄楤⁩琠晥敬楫攠祯甠桡搠數桡畳瑥搠慬氠灯獳楢汥灴楯湳⁡湤⁹整⁡牥⁳瑩汬⁢敦潲攠瑨攠浯畮瑡楮ₖ慲来Ⱐ畮捯湱略牡扬攬⁡湤⁩浰牥杮慢汥㼠坨敮⁥湣潵湴敲楮朠獵捨⁥湯牭潵猠灲潢汥浳Ⱐ祯甠浡礠晥敬楫攠祯甧牥⁨慭浥物湧⁡条楮獴⁡⁳瑥敬潵湴慩渮⁔桥⁰牥獳畲攠潦⁨慶楮朠瑯⁳潬癥⁳畣栠愠灲潢汥洠浡礠扥癥牷桥汭楮朮ഊഊ䉵琠牥橯楣攡⁔桥牥楧桴⁢攠獯浥⁨潰攠祥琡ഊഊ坩瑨⁳潭攠捲敡瑩癥⁰牯扬敭⵳潬癩湧⁴散桮楱略猠祯甠浡礠扥⁡扬攠瑯潯欠慴⁹潵爠灲潢汥洠楮⁡⁤楦晥牥湴楧桴⸠䅮搠瑨慴楧桴楧桴畳琠扥⁴桥⁥湤映瑨攠瑵湮敬⁴桡琠汥慤猠瑯⁰潳獩扬攠獯汵瑩潮献ഊഊ䙩牳琠潦⁡汬Ⱐ楮⁴桥楧桴映捲敡瑩癥⁰牯扬敭⵳潬癩湧Ⱐ祯甠浵獴⁢攠潰敮⵭楮摥搠瑯⁴桥⁦慣琠瑨慴⁴桥牥慹⁢攠浯牥⁴桡渠橵獴湥⁳潬畴楯渠瑯⁴桥⁰牯扬敭⸠䅮搬⁹潵畳琠扥灥渠瑯⁴桥⁦慣琠瑨慴⁴桥牥慹⁢攠獯汵瑩潮猠瑯⁰牯扬敭猠祯甠瑨潵杨琠睥牥⁵湳潬癡扬攮ഊഊ乯眬⁷楴栠瑨楳灴業楳瑩挠浩湤獥琬⁷攠捡渠瑲礠瑯⁢攠愠汩瑴汥⁢楴潲攠捲敡瑩癥⁩渠獯汶楮朠潵爠灲潢汥浳⸍਍੎畭扥爠潮攻慹扥⁴桥⁲敡獯渠睥⁣慮湯琠獯汶攠潵爠灲潢汥浳⁩猠瑨慴⁷攠桡癥潴⁲敡汬礠瑡步渠愠桡牤潯欠慴⁷桡琠瑨攠灲潢汥洠楳⸠䡥牥Ⱐ瑲祩湧⁴漠畮摥牳瑡湤楮朠瑨攠灲潢汥洠慮搠桡癩湧⁡⁣潮捲整攠畮摥牳瑡湤楮朠潦⁩瑳⁷潲歩湧猠楳⁩湴敧牡氠獯汶楮朠瑨攠灲潢汥洮⁉映祯甠歮潷⁨潷⁩琠睯牫猬⁷桡琠瑨攠灲潢汥洠楳Ⱐ瑨敮⁹潵⁨慶攠愠扥瑴敲⁦潵湤慴楯渠瑯睡牤猠獯汶楮朠瑨攠灲潢汥洮ഊഊ乯琠瑲祩湧⁴漠浡步⁴桥⁳業灬攠獴慴敭敮琠潦⁷桡琠灲潢汥洠楳⸠呲礠瑯⁩摥湴楦礠瑨攠灡牴楣楰慴楮朠敮瑩瑩敳⁡湤⁷桡琠瑨敩爠牥污瑩潮獨楰猠睩瑨湥⁡湯瑨敲⁡牥⸠呡步潴攠潦⁴桥⁴桩湧猠祯甠獴慮搠瑯⁧慩渠慮礠獴慮搠瑯潳攠晲潭⁴桥⁣畲牥湴⁰牯扬敭⸠乯眠祯甠桡癥⁡⁳業灬攠獴慴敭敮琠潦⁷桡琠瑨攠灲潢汥洠楳⸍਍੎畭扥爠瑷漻⁴特⁴漠瑡步潴攠潦⁡汬映瑨攠捯湳瑲慩湴猠慮搠慳獵浰瑩潮猠祯甠桡癥⁴桥⁷潲摳映灲潢汥洮⁓潭整業敳⁩琠楳⁴桥獥⁡獳畭灴楯湳⁴桡琠潢獴牵捴畲⁶楥眠潦⁰潳獩扬攠獯汵瑩潮献⁙潵⁨慶攠瑯⁩摥湴楦礠睨楣栠慳獵浰瑩潮猠慲攠癡汩搬⁩渠睨楣栠慳獵浰瑩潮猠湥敤⁴漠扥⁡摤牥獳敤⸍਍੎畭扥爠瑨牥攻⁴特⁴漠獯汶攠瑨攠灲潢汥洠批⁰慲瑳⸠卯汶攠楴⁧潩湧⁦牯洠来湥牡氠癩敷⁴潷慲摳⁴桥潲攠摥瑡楬敤⁰慲瑳映瑨攠灲潢汥洮⁔桩猠楳⁣慬汥搠瑨攠瑯瀭摯睮⁡灰牯慣栮⁗物瑥⁤潷渠瑨攠煵敳瑩潮Ⱐ慮搠瑨敮⁣潭攠異⁷楴栠愠潮攭獥湴敮捥⁳潬畴楯渠瑯⁴桡琠晲潭⁴桥洮⁔桥⁳潬畴楯渠獨潵汤⁢攠愠来湥牡氠獴慴敭敮琠潦⁷桡琠睩汬⁳潬癥⁴桥⁰牯扬敭⸠䙲潭⁨敲攠祯甠捡渠摥癥汯瀠瑨攠獯汵瑩潮⁦畲瑨敲Ⱐ慮搠楮捲敡獥⁩瑳⁣潭灬數楴礠汩瑴汥⁢礠汩瑴汥⸍਍੎畭扥爠景畲㬠慬瑨潵杨⁩琠桥汰猠瑯⁨慶攠捲楴楣慬⁴桩湫楮朠慢潡牤⁡猠祯甠獯汶攠愠灲潢汥洬⁹潵畳琠慬獯敥瀠愠捲敡瑩癥Ⱐ慮慬祴楣慬⁶潩捥⁡琠瑨攠扡捫映祯畲⁨敡搮⁗桥渠獯浥潮攠捯浥猠異⁷楴栠愠灲潳灥捴楶攠獯汵瑩潮Ⱐ瑲楥搠瑯⁴桩湫⁨潷⁹潵⁣潵汤慫攠瑨慴⁳潬畴楯渠睯牫⸠呲礠瑯⁢攠捲敡瑩癥⸠䅴⁴桥⁳慭攠瑩浥Ⱐ汯潫⁦潲⁣桩湫猠楮⁴桥⁡牭潲映瑨慴⁳潬畴楯渮ഊഊ乵浢敲⁦楶攻⁩琠灡祳⁴漠牥浥浢敲⁴桡琠瑨敲攠浡礠扥潲攠瑨慮畳琠潮攠獯汵瑩潮⁢敩湧⁤敶敬潰敤⁡琠潮攠瑩浥⸠呲礠瑯敥瀠瑲慣欠潦⁡汬⁴桥⁳潬畴楯湳⁡湤⁴桥楲⁤敶敬潰浥湴献⁒敭敭扥爬⁴桥牥慹⁢攠浯牥⁴桡渠橵獴湥⁳潬畴楯渠瑯⁴桥⁰牯扬敭⸍਍੎畭扥爠獩砻⁲敭敭扥爠瑨慴汤⁡摡来Ⱒ⁴睯⁨敡摳⁡牥⁢整瑥爠瑨慮湥⸢⁔桡琠潮攠楳⁴牵敲⁴桡渠楴⁳潵湤献⁁汷慹猠扥灥渠瑯敷⁩摥慳⸠奯甠捡渠潮汹⁢敮敦楴⁦牯洠汩獴敮楮朠瑯⁡汬⁴桥⁩摥慳⁥慣栠灥牳潮⁨慳⸠周楳⁩猠敳灥捩慬汹⁴牵攠睨敮⁴桥⁰敲獯渠祯甧牥⁴慬歩湧⁴漠桡猠桡搠數灥物敮捥⁳潬癩湧⁰牯扬敭猠獩浩污爠瑯⁹潵牳⸍਍ਖ਼潵⁤潮❴⁨慶攠瑯⁢攠愠杵湧⵨漬⁳潬漠桥牯⁴漠獯汶攠瑨攠灲潢汥洮⁉映祯甠捡渠潲条湩穥⁣潬汥捴楶攠瑨潵杨琠潮⁴桥⁳畢橥捴Ⱐ楴⁷潵汤⁢攠浵捨⁢整瑥爮ഊഊ乵浢敲⁳敶敮㬠扥⁰慴楥湴⸠䅳潮朠慳⁹潵⁰敲獥癥牥Ⱐ瑨敲攠楳⁡汷慹猠愠捨慮捥⁴桡琠愠獯汵瑩潮⁷楬氠灲敳敮琠楴獥汦⸠剥浥浢敲⁴桡琠湯湥⁷慳⁡扬攠瑯⁣牥慴攠慮⁩湶敮瑩潮⁴桥⁦楲獴⁴業攠慲潵湤⸍਍੃牥慴楶攠瑨楮歩湧⁥硥牣楳敳⁣慮⁡汳漠桥汰⁹潵⁩渠祯畲ⁱ略獴⁢攠愠浯牥⁣牥慴楶攠灲潢汥浳⁳潬癥爮‍਍ੈ敲攠楳湥⁥硡浰汥⸍਍੔慫攠愠灩散攠潦⁰慰敲⁡湤⁷物瑥⁡湹⁷潲搠瑨慴⁣潭敳⁴漠浩湤⁡琠瑨攠捥湴敲⸠乯眠汯潫⁡琠瑨慴⁷潲搠瑨敮⁷物瑥⁴桥⁦楲獴⁴睯⁷潲摳⁴桡琠捯浥⁴漠祯畲楮搮⁔桩猠捡渠杯渠畮瑩氠祯甠捡渠扵楬搠愠瑲敥映牥污瑥搠睯牤献⁔桩猠桥汰猠祯甠扵楬搠慮慬潧楣慬⁳歩汬猬⁡湤⁦潲瑩晹⁹潵爠捲敡瑩癥⁰牯捥獳敳⸍਍੓漬數琠瑩浥⁹潵⁳敥⁡⁰牯扬敭⁹潵⁴桩湫⁹潵⁣慮潴⁳潬癥Ⱐ瑨楮欠慧慩渮⁔桥⁳潬畴楯渠浩杨琠橵獴⁢攠獴慲楮朠祯甠物杨琠楮⁴桥⁦慣攮⁁汬⁩琠瑡步猠楳畳琠愠汩瑴汥⁣牥慴楶攠瑨楮歩湧Ⱐ獯浥⁰污湮楮本⁡湤⁡⁷桯汥潴映睯牫⸍� 相关的主题文章:



The parts which first suffer from alcohol are those expansions of the body which the anatomists call the membranes. "The skin is a membranous envelope. Through the whole of the alimentary surface, from the lips downward, and through the bronchial passages to their minutest ramifications, extends the mucous membrane. The lungs, the heart, the liver, the kidneys are folded in delicate membranes, which can be stripped easily from these parts. If you take a portion of bone, you will find it easy to strip off from it a membranous sheath or covering; if you examine a joint, you will find both the head and the socket lined with membranes. The whole of the intestines are enveloped in a fine membrane called peritoneum . All the muscles are enveloped in membranes, and the fasciculi, or bundles and fibres of muscles, have their membranous sheathing. The brain and spinal cord are enveloped in three membranes; one nearest to themselves, a pure vascular structure, a network of blood-vessels; another, a thin serous structure; a third, a strong fibrous structure. The eyeball is a structure of colloidal humors and membranes, and of nothing else. To complete the description, the minute structures of the vital organs are enrolled in membranous matter."

These membranes are the filters of the body. "In their absence there could be no building of structure, no solidification of tissue, nor organic mechanism. Passive themselves, they, nevertheless, separate all structures into their respective positions and adaptations."

Membranous deteriorations.

In order to make perfectly clear to your mind the action and use of these membranous expansions, and the way in which alcohol deteriorates them, and obstructs their work, we quote again from Dr. Richardson:

"The animal receives from the vegetable world and from the earth the food and drink it requires for its sustenance and motion. It receives colloidal food for its muscles: combustible food for its motion; water for the solution of its various parts; salt for constructive and other physical purposes. These have all to be arranged in the body; and they are arranged by means of the membranous envelopes. Through these membranes nothing can pass that is not, for the time, in a state of aqueous solution, like water or soluble salts. Water passes freely through them, salts pass freely through them, but the constructive matter of the active parts that is colloidal does not pass; it is retained in them until it is chemically decomposed into the soluble type of matter. When we take for our food a portion of animal flesh, it is first resolved, in digestion, into a soluble fluid before it can be absorbed; in the blood it is resolved into the fluid colloidal condition; in the solids it is laid down within the membranes into new structure, and when it has played its part, it is digested again, if I may so say, into a crystalloidal soluble substance, ready to be carried away and replaced by addition of new matter, then it is dialysed or passed through, the membranes into the blood, and is disposed of in the excretions.

"See, then, what an all-important part these membranous structures play in the animal life. Upon their integrity all the silent work of the building up of the body depends. If these membranes are rendered too porous, and let out the colloidal fluids of the blood the albumen, for example the body so circumstanced, dies; dies as if it were slowly bled to death. If, on the contrary, they become condensed or thickened, or loaded with foreign material, then they fail to allow the natural fluids to pass through them. They fail to dialyse, and the result is, either an accumulation of the fluid in a closed cavity, or contraction of the substance inclosed within the membrane, or dryness of membrane in surfaces that ought to be freely lubricated and kept apart. In old age we see the effects of modification of membrane naturally induced; we see the fixed joint, the shrunken and feeble muscle, the dimmed eye, the deaf ear, the enfeebled nervous function.

"It may possibly seem, at first sight, that I am leading immediately away from the subject of the secondary action of alcohol. It is not so. I am leading directly to it. Upon all these membranous structures alcohol exerts a direct perversion of action. It produces in them a thickening, a shrinking and an inactivity that reduces their functional power. That they may work rapidly and equally, they require to be at all times charged with water to saturation. If, into contact with them, any agent is brought that deprives them of water, then is their work interfered with; they cease to separate the saline constituents properly; and, if the evil that is thus started, be allowed to continue, they contract upon their contained matter in whatever organ it may be situated, and condense it.

"In brief, under the prolonged influence of alcohol those changes which take place from it in the blood corpuscles, extend to the other organic parts, involving them in structural deteriorations, which are always dangerous, and are often ultimately fatal."